The nice people in Canada, Ontario to be precise, have brought in the Simpler, Faster, Better Services Act which is designed to put people at the centre of everything digital.
We at had never heard of this when we first came up with a better way to do legal directories. Hardly surprising as we were years ahead of the State of Ontario on this one. We designed a system all about making the onerous job of filling submissions to the legal directories a doddle. We have had silks tell us they have saved a whole day by using our easy online portal.
Our system has saved millions of billable and staff hours over the years it has been in use and we are about to upgrade it to make it even easier and more intuitive.
Find out more, be part of the launch of something exciting: 07973721346
#legaldirectories #legalmarketing #marketingthebar #marketingbarristers #marketinglawyers #legal500 #chambersandpartners